Rejuvenating Treatment
Glycolic Acid together with botanical extracts increases cell division thus increasing cellular renewed and the exfoliation process improves self-repair ability, leaving firm and lumininous skin.

Rejuvinating Ampoules
Assist the removal of dead skin cells, stimulate the grow of cell membrane.
Rejuvinating Essence
Inhibit the production of tyrosine, prevent the formation of pigmentation, supplement Vitamin C. Lecithin lipid strengthen the self-reproduction of DNA in cell nucleus during the treatment.

Active Ingredients from Natural Plant Extracts
Citrus Grandis, Morus Nigra, Oak Root
Protein, Vitamin E, Fatty Acid, Water Molecule
Tannic Acid, Citrus Limonium, Glycolic Acid
Strengthen Lactic Acid, Enzyme and
Vitamin C
Glycerin, Castor Oil
Triglyceride, Fatty Acid, Protein
Ingredients and Effects
Nourish Skin
Fatty Acid
Anti bacterial ability
Lactic Acid
Helps balance acid and soften dead cell.
Protein, Vitamin E
Use the connective tissue to regulate metabolism
Enzyme (Protein Catalyst)
Breakdown toxic and help to neutralize it
Water Molecule, Vitamin C
Easily penetrate, helps reinforce skin’s “support”. Control production of melanin.
Rejuvenating Treatment Demo

Rejuvenating Treatment
is recommended for
Skin problems due to the thickness of horny layer:
- uneven skin tone, pigmentation, freckles, coarse
- oily clogged, open pores, acne
- aging of skin and deterioration of elasticity